We invite you to use, free of charge, our design service for bus boots – switchgear – wildlife outage protectors – electrical insulating covers of all types.
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , fax (215-766-2222) or mail (2345 Milford Square Pike, Quakertown, PA 18951) your bus layout as a drawing or sketch and we will send back a complete solution with detailed drawing ready for you to supply your part number and title.
We provide electrical insulation design and technical solutions to your problems – with over 30 years experience and CAD software (Solidworks plus translators for all major CAD systems).
From design through installation call our engineering staff at 800-262-2111.
Ready to order?
For a listing of our standard boot categories, see our Product Catalog. Then simply print out the Fast Fax page with your custom specs and requirements indicated and fax it to us at 215-766-2222.